Bead Drop available in 2 colors 48 Pieces For
12mm yellow plastic bead with red stripes
12mm light blue with navy stripes
use drop down to choose color
12mm yellow plastic bead with red stripes
12mm light blue with navy stripes
use drop down to choose color
18 and 20 mm plastic beads use drop-down to chose color and size 18mm approx 165 beads per pound 20mmm approx 110 beads per pound
15mm diameter ribbed center bead and two 8mm beads 38mm long, with double loop brass eye pin
Plastic cone bead 11mm long x 6mm to 3mm diameter use drop down to choose color
25mm wood bead with 15mm and 25mm disc beads, 62mm overall length looped at both ends
18mm x 16mm diameter approx 215 beads per pound use drop down to chose color navy blue, light blue
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